Tuesday, June 01, 2004

The View From The Service Desk.

Here's today's thoughts:

The corporate tree is an oleander: By all means try to climb but wash your hands afterwards.

Every action has an equal and opposite....: Demand something from someone and they are more likely to not give it you. I think this is why women (some) get what they want. They just ask, not demand or insist, just ask. Batting eyelids and chest pushed out may help, but it's mostly the asking.

If the boss is in a bad mood, best not mention that you stuffed something up. Actually, have a sickie and watch Lizzie Maquire.

Who makes up The Matrix songwriting team?

Apparently in the Navy you can sail the seven seas: I thought there were more than that. Does it include the Timor and Tasman? Was that written before the charting of the southern hemisphere?

The pressing issues of our time.

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