Monday, August 02, 2004

Forgive me reader for i have sinned, it's been ages since my last blog.

I agree with MissJ and Bsharp, it's hard to blog, communicate with people or generally stay in the loop when you spend all day staring at a screen.

There has been a bit happening in our little country town. We are almost finished renovating room #2. We are getting the routine sorted out. Miss H likes to paint, i like to prep. I'm not sure who gets the better end of the deal but it seems to work out.

We have bought our ute. She's a real beauty. XE Falcon, power steering, auto and the air sort of works. I spent most of saturday sorting out the rust and tidying up. The seat is absolutely rooted and will be replaced as soon as i can. Either a really fat man of a hungry dog had the car and the seat is down to the steel frame. Someone has skinned Fozzie bear and used the pelt to fill up the seat a bit but it still pinches your ass and tears your jeans. The good news is that the radio is stuck on Triple M, you have no choice but to get the complete uteing experience.

The weather has been truly shitful and cold. It rained pretty well all day yesterday and with the leaking windscreen on abovementioned ute dripping onto Miss H's legs, hilarity ensued!

I do apologise for my slackness in keeping contact, Bsharp i promise i'll ring this week. May be saturday night at 11:55 but it will be this week.
Miss J, good luck!

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